Keep Account of Your Cash with Cash Book

Keep Account of Your Cash with Cash Book

The traditional method of recording all cash transactions in registers with pens is quite tedious. Managing all the details using manual methods is prone to error and risky as you can lose your khata anytime. Tracking expenses and incomes in businesses with such methods is time-consuming and is not considered a reliable method. As the number of cash dealings in business is quite large, the possibility of cash getting stolen is higher. With advanced technology, apps like the Udhaar book allow users to manage their daily cash transactions on their phones. After analyzing the transaction in a business, all the cash transactions are recorded in chronological order in the cash book.

The Udhaar book app facilitates business owners to keep account of each penny with its Cash book feature. This feature keeps the cash record of businesses up to date. The Udhaar book provides you the feature of keeping account of all your income and expenses. The Cash book, which has eliminated the traditional method of maintaining records in registers and notebooks, is a form of ledger. This feature has significantly helped business owners to save time and labor costs with real-time calculations. The Udhaar book app is super convenient to be used anytime on your phone and desktop. The best khata app is available on both IOS and Android. You can also use the Udhaar app on the web for free.

Udhaar cash book app provides the easiest and safest way to record cash transactions and manage the khata on your phone. Udhaar Digi khata having the feature of cash book helps in the management of your business finances. In business, It is important to keep an eye on cash and bank balance to track the details of transactions and profit earned. Maintaining the Udhaar cash book aids you in getting reports on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Cash book helps quantify cash in and cash out to yield profit and net cash balance. Forget the manual method of computing records of business finances through a calculator. Udhaar khata book’s cash book provides real-time calculations anytime, anywhere. It also provides the net cash balance and automatically generates the profit value.

Udhaar Digi khata app is a one-stop solution that makes it easy for you to run your business by keeping account of your hard-earned money easily. Using the Cash book app, keeping a record of all entries is simple. Moreover, The multi-account option allows you to manage personal and business bookkeeping separately. It is now possible to monitor all your income and expenses records with Pakistan’s number one cash book app, Udhaar, which is 100% free and safe. You can download the Udhaar Digi khata app on your Android and IOS devices.

Pay Your Staff on Time with Udhaar Book App

Pay Your Staff on Time with Udhaar Book App

Employees biggest demand is that they are paid on time and according to their efforts. If you can do that, you can keep your staff happy and motivated. Moreover, considering the recent economic crisis, staff deserves timely salary payments. However, paying timely salaries requires monitoring paperwork, keeping track of staff working hours and daily attendance which is an elaborate task and quickly doing calculations might lead to errors.

Udhaar Book staff book feature can help calculate staff salary in no time as it’s a complete and practical solution to help you manage your business more effectively. With all that Udhaar Book offers, running your business efficiently gets easier. Udhaar digi khata app’s staff book is a free payroll manager that can manage practically everything in a simpler way than a pricey payroll management system. The best part about Udhaar Book is that it’s 100% free and available on App Store and Play Store .

Staff Book: Manage Your Staff Like a Pro

  • Quick and simple staff profile set up: You must provide the employee’s name, phone number, salary type, and joining date. Additionally, you can include their mobile number, title, and account information.
  • Unlimited staff members: The Staff Book in the Udhar digi khata app allows you to add and manage an unlimited number of staff members.
  • Multiple staff member types: You can add employees with monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly pay types using Udhaar Book.
  • Choose working days and hours: For better payroll administration, Udhaar Book lets you choose each employee’s working days and hours.
  • Mark daily attendance: You can note the attendance in minutes while viewing a complete list of personnel on your screen.
  • Manage paid leaves, late fee and overtime: Udhar khata book app also enables you to subtract late fees, indicate paid leaves, and add over time.
  • Manage salary advances: Udhaar Digi khata makes it simple to keep track of the advances given to each employee.
  • Print and share salary slips: Udhaar khata book app keeps track of every employee’s daily records, and with just one click, you can download or share the report with the employee.
  • Create attendance report: The staff book in the Udhaar khata book allows you to create daily, weekly quickly, and monthly attendance reports.
  • Pay salaries online: Using the Udhaar Book app, you can make online salary payments to your employee’s bank account through IBFT payment or transfer to their JazzCash / Easypaisa accounts.

The Udhaar Book app’s staff book feature can be incredibly helpful for your office and business. Other Udhaar Book features, including the cash book, digital invoicing, inventory management, and bill book provide better business operations and spare you from a range of hassles in addition to assisting you with your staff management requirements. Both the App Store and Play Store offer Udhaar Book for no cost. The Udhaar Book online app is also accessible from a computer.

Udhaar Book – The Ultimate Business Management App

Udhaar Book – The Ultimate Business Management App

If you own multiple businesses, managing them must be very hectic for you due to multiple problems such as mixed data, cash management errors or staff management struggles. If you have all your data in one place for multiple businesses, data sorting and evaluation can be a hassle. Moreover, managing credit transactions, cash audit, inventory, staff salaries and labor wages for multiple businesses can be next to impossible. So even though it looks wonderful from the outside, only the one managing multiple businesses would understand the real problems.

The Udhaar book app can help solve all such managerial problems and be the best business companion.Udhaar book can help to manage multiple businesses from a single app. Udhaar digi khata app will separate all your businesses and you can look at businesses respectively within one single app. Udhaar Book app is a complete tool that will allow you to manage your entire operations smoothly. Udhaar book app also have many amazing features like:

    • Cash Book: You can record all your cash transactions to smoothly manage all the cash operations with the cash book feature. This feature will allow you to eliminate all problems regarding cash management.


    • Staff Book: With the staff book feature you can manage your employees, calculate their salaries and manage attendance and overtime as well.


    • Lein Dein: The lien dein feature can help get your borrowed money back and and also pay your loan back quickly as this feature will remind you and your debtors of the outstanding dues so that you no longer have to personally request your debtors.


  • Inventory Management: With this feature your businesses will never run out of inventory without you knowing as this feature will alert you to restock when a certain product is low in quantity.

Udhaar Book app is a complete tool that allows you to manage your entire operations smoothly. Udhaar Book offers multiple services for any business like cash book, credit book, digital invoicing, staff book, and inventory management to assist you with different aspects of your business. To learn more about these and other amazing features you can visit the Udhaar book website. Udhaar Book is available for both IOS and Android devices, and businesses can also use the Udhaar Book web app.

Udhaar Book: Pay your Customers’ Bills and Make Money

Udhaar Book: Pay your Customers’ Bills and Make Money

Being any shop or business owner you would always have thought of two things: help more and more customers through your business; earn more through serving customers. Well Udhaar Book app is the way to achieve both these goals. With Udhaar Book bill payment feature, you can earn extra, maximize profits and help numerous customers. Udhaar book offers to pay up to 140 different vendors bills, allowing you to entertain all types of customers.

With the bill payment feature, you can pay your customers utility bills online and help them avoid long queues at the bank so that they never miss due dates, all with the Udhaar Book app, while you will make up to Rs. 12 commission on every bill you pay. You can earn an endless amount of money from this feature as there are many bill types and vendors which can also help you attract more customers. The feature can help you pay electricity, gas bills and water bills online. One phone is all you need to start earning more. Just download the Udhaar Book app to your smartphone from the IOS or Android, or use the Udhaar Book web app for free on the desktop.

How to Make Money from Udhaar Book App

To pay customer’s bills, you first need to add money to your Udhaar wallet with three super easy steps:

    • Set up a screen lock: This guards your wallet cash and will be marked done if you already have a screen lock.


    • Add location: Enter your shop’s location on the app. This will be marked done if you already have your location added.


  • Add money to your Udhaar wallet: You can transfer money from your bank app to Udhaar wallet through IBFT or use your EasyPaisa/Jazz Cash account to add money to your wallet, and start paying customers’ utility bills.

Once the money is added to your wallet, you can instantly start paying customers’ bills and earnings commission. Udhaar Book’s super easy interface helps you understand the bill payment process better. You can start earning by following these easy steps to pay bills:

    • Select bill type and vendor: Choose which bill you want to pay; such as internet, gas, electricity, or water bills online . Then select a region-specific vendor. For instance, if you select electricity as your bill type, you will see multiple service providers such as: PESCO, K-Electric, and LESCO.


    • Add billing details: You can either enter your account details by scanning the bill or manually write the account details.


  • Pay bill: You will be shown billing details and the option to pay the bill. Click on the pay bill button to make an online bill payment.

The Udhaar Book app will greatly assist you in paying customers bills. It is very handy and makes it simple to manage important and challenging activities with Udhaar Book. Features like cash book, digital invoicing, inventory management, and staff book offer better business operations while saving you from various problems. You can easily download the app from IOS or Android for free. You can also use the free Udhaar Book web app from your PC.

Simplify Payments and Transactions With Udhaar Book

Simplify Payments and Transactions With Udhaar Book

Managing hisab and clearing payments although is a task that goes hand-in-hand, it gets troublesome as you have to manage it through different methods. However, if you use Udhaar Book app to manage khata and hisab, you can also utilize the app to send and receive payments to streamline all your business and personal transactions.

Adding money to Udhaar book wallet is extremely easy as along with Easypaisa and JazzCash, Udhaar Book has also introduced the IBFT payment method through which you can easily add balance to your account. IBFT (Inter Bank Fund Transfer) payment can be done through your bank’s phone app and while staying at your shop you can perform cash transactions digitally. Now you don’t have to visit any store for Easypaisa or JazzCash to add balance to your Udhaar wallet. With the all new Udhaar book’s IBFT payment option you can add balance from anywhere easily with your phone.

Add money to Udhaar wallet:

To utilize the IBFT payment method to its fullest you first have to follow these steps:

1. Click on “Add money” in the Money tab

2. Choose your bank

3. Enter your 14-digit bank account number and click next

4. After verifying the details, click on “Save Account”

5. Copy your Udhaar Book account number

6. Log in to your bank app and add Udhaar Book as a beneficiary

7. Transfer money in the Udhaar Book account

8. Save Transaction receipt

9. Reopen Udhaar Book app and upload the transaction receipt

10. Amount will be transferred to your Udhaar wallet with in few hours

If you have any outstanding payment you can clear it after the amount has been added to your account with the lein dein feature. The Lein Dein feature can be accessed from your Udhaar Book screen by clicking the Lein Dein icon on the top right corner of the screen. Moreover, it can also be accessed if you go to the profile tab on your Udhaar Book app and click on the “See your pending payments” option.

The amount added to your account will not only help you clear your debt, but can also help you earn more. The Easy load feature and Bill Payment feature could also be utilized to the fullest after using the IBFT payment method. You can get upto Rs. 12 commission on every bill you pay and similarly you can earn up to 2.2% commission for every easy load you do.

Udhaar Book app is a complete tool that allows you to manage your entire operations smoothly. Udhaar Book also offers services like cash book, credit book, digital invoicing, staff book, and inventory management to assist you with different aspects of your business. Udhaar Book is available for both IOS and Android devices, and companies can also use the Udhaar Book web app.

Make Inventory Management Error-Free With Udhaar Book

Make Inventory Management Error-Free With Udhaar Book

One of the biggest challenges of running a kiryana store or mini mart is keeping track of each and every product and updating the inventory level. Relying on manual methods can be extremely frustrating and exhausting. However, properly managing your stock and inventory is extremely vital. You have to be extra cautious with inventory calculations as a single error in managing could lead to loss.

You can simplify your business inventory management problems with Udhaar Book ‘Manage Stock’ feature. The Udhaar Book app offers a free inventory management solution which allows business owners to eliminate the manual management madness and streamline operations. Udhaar Book is available for free for both IOS and Android devices, and businesses can also use the Udhaar Book web app.

If you sell tons of products and variants, its crucial that you accurately manage your inventory. Udhaar Book offers a complete inventory management solution to and makes it super convenient for you to manage hundreds of products in the most simple, quick, and accurate way. With the Udhaar app, you have everything right on your mobile screen, wherever and whenever needed. The ‘Manage Stock’ feature is all that your business needs.

Manage Inventory with Udhaar Book

1. Udhaar khata book app is a complete inventory management solution to record all your products. Setting up a minimum inventory level will enable the Udhaar app to notify you about all the products with fewer units left. This can help you manage numerous products right from your phone absolutely free.

2. With the Udhaar Book’s ‘manage inventory’ feature, it is now very easy to add hundreds of your products to the inventory in Udhaar Book. Udhaar Digi khata has several retail categories available in the catalog builder. You can easily pick and choose the products in your inventory; add the details, and you are done. If there is anything you don’t find in the products, you can add a product of your choice manually by clicking “Add Item” in the Manage Stock tab and start entering relevant product details.
3. The Udhaar khata book also allows you to add cost and selling price to the product details, and the udhaar book app will show you a summary of the products you have in your inventory and the value of the inventory. Plus, you can also see your profit from sales in the sales report option.

The Udhaar Book app will greatly assist you in real-time inventory management. It is very handy and makes it simple to manage important and challenging activities with Udhaar Book. Features like cash book, digital invoicing, inventory management, and staff book offer better business operations while saving you from various problems. You can easily download the app from the IOS and Android for free. You can also use the free Udhaar Book web app from your PC.

Pay Customers’ Bills With Udhaar Book And Make Money

pay customers bills with udhaar book and make money

In these challenging times, it is everyone’s dream to earn more so they could uplift their lifestyle. A stationary shop owner like you must also be thinking about how you can add more to your business and start earning higher profit. The best solution for a stationary store like you is to make the Udhaar Book app your business partner. With Udhaar Book bill payment feature, you can earn extra and maximize profits and live a much better life.

With the bill payment feature, you can pay your customers utility bills online and help them avoid long queues at the bank so that they never miss due dates, all with the Udhaar Book app, while you will make up to Rs. 12 commission on every bill you pay. You can earn an endless amount of money from this feature as there are many bill types and vendors which can also help you to attract customers more. The feature can help you with electricity and gas bills and can also help you pay water bills online. One phone is all you need to start earning more. Just download the Udhaar Book app to your smartphone from the IOS or Android, or use the Udhaar Book web app for free on desktop.

How you can start earning more through Udhaar Digi Khata.
To pay customer’s bills, you first need to add money to your Udhaar wallet with three super
easy steps:

    • Set up a screen lock: This guards your cash added to the wallet. This will be marked done if you already have a screen lock.


    • Add location: Enter your shop’s location on the app. This will be marked done if you already have your location added.


  • Add money to your Udhaar wallet: You can use your EasyPaisa/Jazz Cash account to add money to your wallet, and start paying customers’ utility bills.

Once the money is added to your wallet, you can instantly start paying customer’s bills and earninga commission. Udhaar Book’s super easy interface helps you understand the bill
payment process better. You can start earning by following these easy steps to pay bills:

    • Select bill type and vendor: Choose which bill you want to pay; such as internet, gas, electricity, or water bills. Then select a region-specific vendor. For instance, if you select electricity as your bill type, and you will see multiple service providers such as: PESCO, K-Electric, and LESCO.


    • Add billing details: You can either enter your account details by scanning the bill or manually write the account details.


  • Pay bill: You will be shown relevant billing details and the option to pay the bill. Click on the pay bill button to make an online bill payment.

With Udhaar Book, you can immediately earn extra money and boost your profits. Udhaar Book app not only helps you earn money but is also a one-stop solution to manage your business in the most efficient way possible, making it the best digi khata app. Udhaar Book provides several other essential services like cash book, credit book, digital invoicing, staff book, inventory management, and free POS to help you manage different aspects of your stationery store. Udhaar Book is available for both IOS and Android devices, and companies can also use the Udhaar Book web app

Instantly Make Proper Invoices with Udhaar Book

Instantly Make Proper Invoices with Udhaar Book

Your grocery store customers evaluate the authenticity of your store through the quality of products and your service hence, it’s very important to provide top-quality products as well as to provide great service. One of the most important aspects of great service is handling exchange and return appropriately. To effectively manage exchange and returns, you and your customer need to have a proper printed invoice. Usually, businesses similar to yours prefer using the traditional method of giving a hand written invoice. Such handwritten bills can easily be fabricated and can be used to scam retailers like you. Where as, if you have professional digital invoices, it will not only save you from fraud, but will also have a good impact on your business.

You can easily solve this problem with one single app, ‘The Udhaar Book App.’ Udhaar Book is a one-stop solution to handle such issues without investing too much time or effort. Udhar Digi khata app can help you get rid of manual recording in no time and with its bill book feature you can generate proper invoices in 10 seconds and share them with your customers. Udhaar Book is available for free for both IOS and Android devices, and businesses can also use the Udhaar Book web app.

Start Making Professional Invoices in No Time!

To make professional invoices digitally with Udhaar Book, you have to follow a few steps:

    • First you have to choose bill book feature from the favorite’s tab


    • You then have to click on “sales invoice” and have to create the invoice


    • After saving the invoice, Udhaar book app will show you an option in the bottom right to share the invoice


By following these simple steps, you can share a professional invoice and can get saved from getting scammed. Downloading Udhaar Book can help you in various aspects of your business. Other than the bill book feature, Udhaar Book offers many essential services like cash book, credit book, digital invoicing, staff book, and inventory management. Udhaar Book is available for both IOS and Android devices, and businesses can also use the Udhaar Book web app. Start using Udhaar Book now and become the best kiryana store out there.

Manage Your Garment Store With Udhaar Book

Manage Your Garment Store With Udhaar Book

Partial payment and purchasing on credit are a norm in our society. Customers usually make purchases on credit but almost every time, they pay their dues very late. Running a garment store is no different as your customers also delay clearing debt making it troublesome for you to run your business. However, making repetitive demands can lead to awkwardness and impact your relation with the customers. The ideal solution for you can be the Udhaar book app as its Udhaar Book feature is designed to help businesses like yours recover udhaar 3x faster.

The Udhaar Book app offers an entirely automated way to help you recover your udhaar in no time. Udhaar Digi khata is completely free and can save you from the awkwardness of asking people for the amount they owe you. You can download the Udhaar Book app for both IOS and Android devices, and you can also use the Udhaar Book web app.

Start Recovering Udhaar 3x Faster

To recover udhaar 3x faster with Udhaar Book, you need to follow all the mentioned points:

    • Record all credit transactions: Whether it is a credit sale or you have lent money to someone, record all such transactions in the Udhaar Book.


    • Add contact details: Whenever you record a credit transaction, make sure you also enter that customer’s mobile number so you can send them automated reminders.


    • Set date of return: Whenever you lend someone money or sell on credit, you have a date in mind when you want your money back. Just enter that date while recording that particular transaction.


Once you have recorded all the credit transactions with the contact details and date of return, the Udhaar Digi khata app is ready to do its magic. Udhaar Book will help you in two ways to recover your udhaar 3x faster;

    • Send automated reminder messages: The date of return you mentioned while recording the transaction doubles as a reminder date. The Udhar khata book app sends an automated reminder message to the person on the mobile number you added. Other than the automated messages, you can even send multiple reminder messages from the app. Similarly, if you have to pay an amount to someone, the Udhar book app will also remind you of the payment.


    • Separate customer statements: Udhaar khata book app creates separate statements for all the debtors and creditors which reflects the inflows and outflows for every person with complete details. You can use this to see the amount due by every individual and the amount you need to pay to different people.


The Udhar Digi khata app makes it simple to control udhaar. Udhaar Book app is a complete tool that allows you to manage your entire operations smoothly. Udhaar Book also offers services like cash book, credit book, digital invoicing, staff book, and inventory management to assist you with different aspects of your business. Udhaar Bookis available for both IOS and Android devices, and companies can also use the Udhaar Book web app.

Struggling With Hisaab? Udhaar Book Got You Covered

Struggling with Hisaab? Udhaar Book Got You Covered.

If your bakery is still relying on register to maintain hisaab kitab then you must’ve faced challenges such as losing khata, having tea spilled on some of the pages, or even torn pages in some scenarios making it impossible for you to accurately maintain hisab. What adds more to your troubles is that to stay in business your bakery store needs to sell fresh products daily which leads to tons of cash flow regularly. Manually handwriting every incoming and outgoing can be a hassle, and finding it could be another headache.

Udhaar Book app can be the best solution for you as it offers an amazing cash book feature. With the cash book feature, you can record all your cash inflows and outflows with complete details such as the product sold, quantity, product type, mode of payment, just a few clicks on your mobile phone. Additionally, Udhaar Book allows users to send digital invoices to customers instead of handwritten parchis, ensuring that your invoices are error-free. Udhaar Book is available for both App Store and Play Store devices, and you can also use the Udhaar Book web app for free.

How the Cashbook feature can minimize your worries

The cash book feature has numerous perks some of which are listed below

    • Easy & Simple: Cash book in Udhaar khata book app is super easy to understand and use. The clean interface and ability to change the app language in Urdu and regional languages enables retailers across Pakistan to manage their business smartly.


    • Add Notes: With the Udhar Digi khata app, you can add notes to every transaction, which you can access later. For instance, if you have taken a loan, you can write the terms and conditions for that transaction and can view it later.


    • Add Contact: With this feature in Udhaar Book’s cashbook, you can add a contact of the person from whom you are receiving or to whom you’re paying cash. This way, you get the contact details of your customers, and you can use them later for marketing purposes.


    • Add Category: With the Udhar khata book app, you can also sort the transactions into various categories. The Udhar book has a few in-built categories, such as salary, sale, bonus, income from rent, profit, and deposit and you can manually add a category as well.


    • Add Item: You have to add your inventory to Udhaar Book’s manage your stock tab under favourites for this to work. If you have already done that, sales recording couldn’t get any simpler. Just click on “Add Item” and choose the product sold from the inventory list. As soon as you choose the product, the transaction amount will be automatically updated, making the cash entry process simpler and saving you time and energy daily.


    • Add Image: Sometimes, there are instances where you need to store an image with the receipt. For instance, it is essential to keep record of the sales order when receiving goods from supplier for the bakery. Keeping a record of all the relevant pictures would be a piece of cake with this added image feature in the cashbook.


    • Payment Method (Cash/Bank/Wallet): If someone transfers the amount to your Udhaar wallet or your bank account, you can record those transactions by changing the payment method to Wallet in the Udhaar Digi khata app’s cashbook feature.


  • Print Free Professional Receipts: If you are logged in from a PC and have a printer connected, as soon as you hit save after entering all the details in the cash book, the Udhar khata book web app will automatically print a proper and professional receipt. The receipt will have all the details mentioned. If it’s for a customer, the receipt will show all the products purchased, and if you have given cash to someone against a bill or a loan, you can use these receipts as a receiving note.

Udhaar Book can do wonders with your business. Udhaar Book helps in eliminating manual recording and also helps in avoiding errors. Udhaar Book helps you efficiently manage your Udhar with customers and suppliers, manage your cash and credit sales, manage your staff, and a lot more from your smartphones. Udhaar Book is available for both App Store and Play Store devices, and you can also use the Udhaar Book web app.