Earn Commission on Bill Payment with Udhaar Book

Earn Commission on Bill Payment with Udhaar Book

Having a strong customer base is the dream of every business owner. Loyal and engaged customers are hard to find until you offer something exceptional to them. Customers seek their convenience and services offered while choosing any store to make purchases. Being a mobile store owner, your income revolves around selling mobile phones and their accessories.

You need to offer more services than your competitors to build a robust customer base and earn an extra income. The Udhaar digikhata has got you covered. With Pakistan’s best khatabook app, you can earn up to Rs. 12.25 on each bill you pay. With the Udhaar easy khata, you can pay your customer’s bills sitting in your mobile store. The bill payment feature of the Udhaar book is the ultimate solution for your customers to skip the hassle of long queues in banks. Download the Udhaar digikhata app to your Android or IOS for free. You can use the Udhaar book web app for free.

With the bill payment feature of the Udhaar khatabook, you can pay your customers’ utility bills online and help them avoid long queues at the bank, so they never miss due dates. At the same time, you will make up to Rs. 12.25 commission on every bill you pay. With Udhaar easy khata, you can pay your customers’ electricity, gas, government fees, internet, and water bills. Providing your customer with a convenient way to pay their dues to help you gain more customers and grow a robust customer base. Not only this, but the Udhaar khatabook app is the ultimate way to add extra income to your mobile business in the form of incredible commission.

The best thing about this bill payment feature of the Udhaar easy khata is the app does not charge any extra transaction fee. Moreover, it does not include any additional platform fee charges. Hence, no investment is required, and you can earn more by investing nothing at all. Download the Udhaar app on your Android or IOS devices. You can use the Udhaar book web app on your desktop for free. Download the app now, grow your customer base by paying bills, and earn extra income at your mobile store.

Pay your Staff on Time with Staff Book

Pay your Staff on Time with Staff Book

If you are a distributor who manages different workers responsible for supplying products from a manufacturer to a retail supplier, then managing several employees according to their different assigned tasks must be quite a challenge. As your staff is allotted to bridge different companies, tracking their performance and schedules is not easy.

The perfect solution to easily manage staff and their salaries is the Udhaar digikhata as it makes this task easy for you. The Udhaar easy khata is Pakistan’s best khatabook which helps you run your business smoothly. You can manage your entire staff through a single app. The Udhaar Book app is the best khata app and is available on both IOS and Android, making it super convenient to use at any time. You can also use the Udhaar web app on your desktop for free.

Manually managing your staff attendance and salaries can be pretty time-consuming and likely to have calculation errors. The Udhaar app takes you out of manual errors. Using the Udhaar easy khata, you can keep proper records of each and every employee of your distribution company.

How to Add Employees to the Staff Book?

    • Open the app and click on the staff book feature


    • Enter the name and contact number of your staff member


    • Select the type of salary (monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly) and enter the amount of his pay


    • Select his working hours


    • Add the joining date and save these details


You can easily mark your staff’s attendance on a daily basis. In addition, the Udhaar easy khata enables you to add overtime, late fine deductions, and paid holidays by selecting a specific employee. You can easily maintain a separate attendance record of all of your working staff. Tracking and monitoring their performance is pretty simple using the Udhaar staff book feature.

Using the Udhaar khatabook, you can generate attendance reports of your employees and pay them online in a single click. The Udhaar app helps you pay your staff their timely salaries without delays. Moreover, you can give them advance by marking the advance amount in the app. Udhaar easy khata helps you pay your staff in cash as well as by online methods using Easypaisa, Jazzcash or IBFT.

The Udhaar digikhata is the top-ranked business app for easy payroll management. With the staff book feature of Udhaar easy khata, you can easily monitor the performance of your distributors, mark their attendance, track overtime dues, deduct late comings, adjust advance payments, and pay salaries to your staff on time. You can download the Udhaar app to your Android and IOS devices. You can use the Udhaar book on your desktop as well.

Recover Udhaar Easily with Udhaar Book

Recover Udhaar Easily with Udhaar Book

Kiryana stores stand different from supermarkets mainly due to convenience. People love buying from kiryana stores as these retail stores offer them purchasing their necessities on udhaar. In this era of inflation, especially during the end days of the month, many people cannot afford to buy things at once, so they prefer to purchase on credit. Being the owner of a kiryana store, this struggle of getting your payment back is pretty tedious.

As a kiryana store owner, your business is all about receiving payment from customers and purchasing new stock from suppliers while keeping a specific profit in your pocket. Delays in payments leave this cycle disturbed. Asking for the outstanding amount from your debtors and recovering udhaar is quite challenging if you are unfamiliar with Pakistan’s number one business app Udhaar Book. Udhaar digikhata “Accounts” feature helps retailers in quickly recovering their payment from debtors through payment links. You can download the Udhaar Book app to your IOS and Android devices for free and start recovering udhaar payments from your debtors. The Udhaar web app is also available for your desktop.

Keeping all the records of payments is made simple and easy with the Udhaar easy khata. The account feature in the Udhaar book helps you maintain the entire list of your debtors along with the details of their contact information, outstanding payment, and items purchased. The Udhaar digikhata enables you to add additional notes while maintaining your customer’s khata in the Udhaar book. In addition, you can add images along with these details to keep an organized record of owed money on a single page. The Udhaar khatabook helps you generate PDF reports of your customer’s khata, which you can share with your debtors. In addition, you can request the outstanding payment from your debtors with a single click by generating payment requests. By clicking on the payment link, your debtors can pay you the amount. This amount is added to your Udhaar wallet. Your money is safe and secure in your Udhaar wallet and you can withdraw the amout any time you want. This way, you can easily recover the payment from your debtors.

The Udhaar easy khata can make your life easy. Using the Udhaar app, you can smoothly recover due payments from your customers without any hassle. So the payment cycle never stops, and you can fill your kiryana store with the new stock whenever needed. Using the Udhaar easy khata, you can easily set collection dates and send automatic reminders to your customers to request payment for the products they have purchased from your kiryana store. The Udhaar app is entirely free and secure to use. You can download the Udhaar app to your IOS and Android devices or use the Udhaar book on your desktop for free. Download the app and free yourself from the worries of recovering payment from your debtors.

Sell Easyload to Double Your Kiryana Store Income

Sell Easyload to Double Your Kiryana Store Income

As an owner of a kiryana store, the source of your income is selling daily necessities, especially grocery items. Therefore, the profit rate is usual, and your business goes in a straight line. But due to the recent hike in inflation, it has become quite challenging to make both ends meet on a single income. Therefore, everyone is after making extra money along with their businesses.

The Udhaar app is Pakistan’s best khatabook for running businesses smoothly, keeping a record of every business detail as well as earning incredible side income. The Udhaar easy khata offers an excellent opportunity to earn extra money by selling easyload at your kiryana store. So you can make an additional income by spending nothing at all. By selling easyload for all the four networks of Pakistan, you can earn up to 2% commission on every load. The Udhaar book makes it possible for you to earn a risk-free extra income while running your kiryana store. You can download the Udhaar app to your Android or IOS. You can also use the Udhaar web app without any cost.

Earning an extra income without any risk is now possible using the easyload feature of the Udhaar easy khata. The easyload feature of the Udhaar easy khata is available for all four telecoms – Jazz, Zong, Telenor, and Ufone. By selling easyload to your customers, you can earn up to 2% commission. The app’s easy interface makes it extremely convenient to be used by anyone anywhere. You just have to add balance to your Udhaar wallet. The money transfer is free of cost and does not charge any additional fee for adding money to your Udhaar wallet. The amount added to your Udhaar wallet can be used to sell easyload. The amount you pay will be deducted from your wallet, and the customer will pay you the exact amount.

You just need a phone and download the Udhaar app to make a reliable side income. You only need your phone to sell easyload and gain extra profit. The Udhar khatabook is Pakistan’s number one khata for businesses which is completely free and secure. This way, you can sell easyload at your kiryana store and accelerate your income without any investments. Your money is safe in the Udhaar wallet, and you can draw the amount anytime from your Udhaar wallet. The Udhaar easy khata can be downloaded from both the IOS and Android. You can also use the Udhaar Book web app right from your kiryana store’s PC. Download the Udhaar app now and start earning extra money instantly by selling easyload at your kiryana store.

Trouble-Free Committee Payment Collection App

Trouble-Free Committee Payment Collection App

Group savings or committees are one of the old age saving methods in Pakistan. Those incharge of collecting committee payments are well aware of how difficult it is to collect money as people usually keep on delaying payment no matter how many times you make a request. Asking each participant to pay the committee payment each month or a matter of a few months is quite hectic. Remembering the people who have submitted the amount and those who haven’t is yet another challenge you face when incharge of managing the committee.

Even though committees have been common for many decades, modern methods have simplified payment collections. The Udhaar app is the ultimate solution for managing all kinds of committees. The easy-to-use Udhaar easy khata is the ultimate solution to collect payment from your committee members. With the Udhaar app, you can send payment requests to all the members with a single click, so you don’t have to keep on making continuous calls to committee members to make payment requests. Moreover, the Udhaar digikhata app is entirely free and secure. The Udhaar Book is available for both IOS and Android devices, and you can also use the Udhaar web app for free.

The Udhaar easy khata comes with the feature of Mahana payments under the menu option. Using this fantastic feature, you can never feel embarrassed in asking for committee payments from members. You can send payment requests to the entire group with a single click. In addition, it allows you to send separate requests to the committee members who haven’t paid you yet.

How to Collect Committee Payment?

  • Open the mahana payment feature from your Udhaar app
  • Add your committee members
  • Enter the name of the group, for example, committee
  • Add the amount of money each member has to pay you one time, weekly, or monthly
  • Add the duration of payments and the starting date of collection.
  • Request committee payment from the entire group with a single click.
  • Or you can separately request outstanding payments from selected people.

You can generate PDF reports as proof and can send screenshots of done payments to your committee members. The Udhaar digikhata helps you digitally keep committee records in a single app. Instead of knocking on doors to ask for payments, using the Udhaar easy khata, you can easily collect committee amounts from all the committee members without any delay. So, you can pay the whole pot to the members on their turns on time. You can download the Udhaar book app to your Android or IOS. You can use the Udhaar web app for your desktop for free. Download the Udhaar app and collect committee payments with the Udhaar Mahana payments feature without any trouble.

Accurate Recordkeeping Solution for Stationery Shop

Accurate Recordkeeping Solution for Stationery Shop

As an owner of a stationery shop, you have a large amount of inventory, including pens, pencils, notebooks, and office supplies which have varying prices and manual record keeping gets tedious. Moreover, manual recordkeeping makes it impossible to track any entry or identify any calculation error.

You can easily track your stationery shop cash records and simplify recordkeeping with the Udhaar app. With the Udhaar easy khata, you can keep a record of your stationery items and manage your sales without hassle. Udhaar digikhata Pakistan’s number one business app to record business transactions and manage your khata on your phone. It helps stationery shop owners to get 100% accurate cash calculations in real time. The Udhaar app is entirely free and secure. You can use the Udhaar app on your Android and IOS or use the Udhaar web app on your desktop for free.

In spite of large inventory and small cash transactions, the Udhaar easykhata helps you make itemized entries and manage your cash flow. With Udhaar app In/Out feature, you can record every sales and expense and maintain itemized entries for every cash transaction. The In/Out feature is the perfect alternative to maintaining your cash book manually in a register as it can minimize the errors in making entries. The Udhaar digikhata keeps every record digitally in the app, and you can access the app anywhere at any time. It means all the records of all the entries you make in your stationery shop are with you whenever you need them. In addition, you can generate daily pdf reports of the entire balance in seconds.

With the Udhaar digikhata cash In/Out feature, you can easily keep a record of all the cash-in and cash-out transactions. Moreover, you can add the contact details of your customers and suppliers. The Udhaar easy khata’s cash In/Out feature also lets you add categories (sale, bonus, profit, etc.). Using the Udhaar app, you can make itemized entries along with their units, quantity, and price. It helps you manage your stationery shop through accurate record-keeping.

The Udhaar digikhata helps you know your sales on a daily basis, and you can check your daily closing balance using the cash In/Out feature of the Udhaar app. In addition, you can generate PDF reports of your daily balance within seconds. The Udhaar easy khata is the ultimate solution to keep accurate records of all the cash in your stationery shop. The Udhaar book app is entirely free, and you can use the app on your IOS and Android devices. You can also use the Udhaar app on the web for free.

Increase your Mobile Store Income with Udhaar Book

Increase your Mobile Store Income with Udhaar Book

Mobile phones have become more than a necessity. As the latest models continue to come out with new style and functionality, every single person keeps on buying a new, latest and most stylish phone so they can make a statement. As a result, your cell phone store is always crowded with a large number of people. With the Udhaar app, you can earn an additional income by selling vouchers to the customers walking in your shop and have risk-free side income. .

The Udhaar app is a remarkable platform for earning safe income as it offers up to 4% commission on every voucher you sell through the Udhaar app. People who love using phones are most likely to love gaming, listening to songs, and watching movies. The Udhaar digikhata helps you fulfill their entertainment needs by selling gaming and subscription vouchers. You can add more customers and earn extra and safe income by selling subscriptions and gaming vouchers. You can download the Udhaar app to your IOS and Android devices or use the Udhaar book on your desktop for free.

Along with selling mobile phones at your store, you can boost your income by earning a commission from selling vouchers. You can earn 1.75% by selling vouchers for Amazon Prime Videos, 1.75% by selling Spotify vouchers, and 1.75% by selling PUBG gaming vouchers. You can get the most out of the crowd in your mobile store by attracting people with vouchers. The Udhaar digikhata boosts your income and helps you earn a safe income by spending nothing at all.

The Udhaar easykhata brings an incredible opportunity for you to earn risk-free and safe income by selling vouchers. Moreover, the Udhaar app offers a full money-back guarantee on selling all types of vouchers. Customers can pay directly with cash or through Easypaisa, JazzCash, or IBFT (Inter Bank Fund Transfer). The amount paid by the customer will be added directly to your Udhaar wallet. This way, you can easily earn a side income without making any investments.

Along with the opportunity of selling vouchers to earn up to 4% commission on every sale, Udhaar easykhata also offers additional money making features such as bill payment and easyload which also offers commission. With the Udhaar Book app, you can sell easyload on all networks and earn up to 2.2% commission on the easyload amount. Moreover, through the bill payment feature, you can pay customers bills and earn up to Rs. 50 commission depending on the bill type. You can download the Udhaar app to your IOS and Android devices or use the Udhaar book on your desktop for free. Download the Udhaar app now and sell gaming and subscription vouchers to earn safe and secure income.

Accurately Manage your Book Store Stock with Udhaar App

Accurately Manage your Book Store Stock with Udhaar App

Running a bookstore means a large number of different books on your store’s shelves. Therefore, maintaining adequate inventory is one of the most challenging tasks. And once you are done with your bookstore inventory management, all the operations will fall into place. From keeping your customers happy to making profits, everything will be simple if you know what’s in your stock.

Managing the stock of your book store manually is time-consuming and is at risk of errors. For example, a customer walks into your book store and asks for a book. If you have no idea whether you have it or not, you will have to search the entire stock which is quite time-taking. Therefore, an advanced system such as the Udhaar app’s fantastic stock book feature can help you easily manage your book store’s stock. It helps you keep a record of every book available at your shop and maintain your stock accordingly. The Udhaar app is available on IOS and Android. You can download the app or use the Udhaar app on your desktop for free.

To effectively manage your book store, you must have complete knowledge of the books you have in store, along with their genres, names of authors, and special editions. In addition, efficient stock management plays a vital role in customer satisfaction. For example, if your customer wants a book from an XYZ author, you should know how many books by that specific author are in your stock. As a result, your customers will be satisfied with you and purchase books from you next time.

How to Manage Stock with the Udhaar App

    • ?

    • Go to manage stock option under the menu


    • Select naya stock item banaen


    • Enter item name, i.e., Books


    • You can make separate entries with respect to the name of authors, languages (Urdu or English), or genre of books (self-help, fiction, horror, classic, etc.)


    • Select the unit like pcs, bags, boxes, or packets


    • Enter the number of books in the stock you have


  • You can additionally add the sell price and cost price

The stock management from the Udhaar app helps you give a detailed view of your stock. It automatically updates the stock level on each inventory item such as the books you sell to your customers once you make an entry in the In/Out (cash book) feature to record sales. The Udhaar app also sends low-stock alerts when a few books are left in your stock, so you can never run out of stock. You can satisfy your customers and ease your work at your book store using the Udhaar digikhata app.

The Udhaar easykhata features accurate stock management to help you keep up-to-date with your stock level. With Udhaar digikhata, you can manage your stock anywhere easily. The Udhaar app is available on IOS and Android. You can download the app or use the Udhaar app on your desktop for free. Download the app and manage the stock of your book store efficiently with the stock book.

Hassle-Free Payment Collection with Udhaar Book

Hassle-Free Payment Collection with Udhaar Book

Running your tailoring shop, you have a pretty large number of customers whose entire families love to get their apparel stitched from you. This considerable task should result in receiving a good amount of money from your customers. Usually, women send kids to pick up dresses once they are stitched, and either they don’t send the payments or send partial payments. And you feel embarrassed requesting payment again and again as they have been your long term customers. Therefore, you need a hassle-free payment collection method.

The Udhaar app brings the easiest and simplest solution to save you from the embarrassment of repetitive requests. The Udhaar digikhata Accounts feature in the app allows users to easily collect payment from your customers through the payment link. Using the Udhaar easykhata, you can set yourself free from the worries of getting paid as the Udhaar book is the best way to recover Udhaar and manage all collections. You can download the Udhaar Book app to your IOS and Android devices for free. The Udhaar web app is also available for your desktop.

Receiving the suit stitching payments from a hundred customers becomes a hectic task if you don’t keep a well-maintained record of payments digitally. The Udhaar book solves all of your problems through its Account feature.

How to recover payment with the Udhaar App?

    • Download the app and go to accounts option


    • Add customers by clicking on customer add karein


    • Select from your contact list or enter the name and contact number of your customer who is not in contact list


    • Add the amount of outstanding money with maine diye


    • You can also add additional notes, item and image


  • Click on save to record the entire information on the app

Using the Udhaar easykhata, you can easily set collection dates and send automatic reminders to your customers to request payment for the dresses you stitch for them instead of asking for money in person. You can send automated payment requests to your customers at your tailoring shop with a single click while your customers can easily pay you money through the payment link.

The Udhaar app is entirely free and secure to use. Your money is safe in the Udhaar wallet, and you can take it out anytime. Moreover, with the Accounts feature, you can generate PDF reports of account statements and send them as proof of payment to your customers. The Udhaar easykhata is the ultimate solution for running your tailor shop business smoothly and getting paid easily. You can download the Udhaar Book app to your IOS and Android devices for free. The Udhaar web app is also available for your desktop. Download the Udhaar app now and enjoy hassle-free payment collection from your customers.

Simplify Salary Calculation with Staff Book

Simplify Salary Calculation with Staff Book

If you are running an auto repair shop, you must have hundreds of new and repeat customers walk into your shop for car service, repair, polishing or just a fuse fix. As an auto repair shop owner, you cannot deal with every customer, nor can you always stay at your shop to keep account of every worker and the hours they put in daily. Manually managing your staff attendance and salaries can be pretty time-consuming and likely to have calculation errors. What you need is a solution that simplifies staff management so you can focus more on cars and auto repair.

The perfect solution for you is the Udhaar app which is the top-ranked business app for easy payroll management. With the staff book feature of Udhaar easykhata you can easily monitor the employees of your auto repair shop, mark their attendance, track overtime dues, deduct late comings, adjust advance payment, and pay salaries to your staff on time. The Udhaar book app’s staff book feature is designed to monitor your staff performance digitally. You can download the Udhaar app to your Android and IOS devices. You can use the Udhaar book on your desktop as well.

Being a mechanic, there is a lot to do. Your employees may have to work overtime checking tires and brakes, replacing spark plugs and batteries, and engaging in other similar tasks. Manual overtime calculations of each staff member separately are next to impossible. With Udhaar easykhata payroll management, you can quickly perform this hectic task.

You can create your employee profile using the Udhaar app by these steps:

  • Enter your employee’s name and contact number


  • Select the type of his salary (monthly, weekly, daily, hourly)


  • Enter his salary in digits


  • Select his regular working hours


  • Add the date of joining


By saving the entire data, you can easily manage the employees of your auto repair shop. It allows you to manage employee attendance, overtime & salary in one place through a single app. The Udhaar digikhata enables you to specify each employee’s working days and hours for better and easy payroll management. The Udhaar app allows you to easily record advance payments or pending dues. Your staff will always be paid on time. This way, you can reduce manual errors and save time in the overall record-keeping of payroll. The Udhaar book is 100% free and safe. You can download the Udhaar app to your Android and IOS devices or use the Udhaar book on your desktop. Manage your employees using the staff book and accelerate your auto repair business.