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How to open an EasyPaisa bank account for Non-Telenor users?

How to open an EasyPaisa bank account for Non-Telenor users?

How to open an EasyPaisa bank account for Non-Telenor users
  1. Non-Telenor mobile phone customers can register by texting ‘EPspace>CNIC number’ to 0345-111-3737.
  2. Wait for a call from an Easypaisa representative who will verify your information.
  3. You’ll be prompted to establish a 5-digit pin code when you’ve been verified.
  4. Now type a PIN, followed by a space, followed by a 5-digit pin code, followed by a space.
  5. Send the 5-digit pin code to 0345-1113737 after you’ve double-checked it.
  6. Remember to input the pin code you generated in the previous message.
  7. A user will receive a confirmation SMS from 3737 after sending the message. The notification will inform them that their Easypaisa account has been successfully activated.

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