Earn Reliable Extra Income with Udhaar Book

Earn Reliable Extra Income with Udhaar Book

Businesses are about investments to make profit. Earning a reliable side income without any investment looks like a dream. Running an electronic store, your business is all about investing your money in selling electronic goods from home appliances to televisions and computers. Making risk-free side income without investments is now possible with Udhaar Book. The Udhaar book app offers a secure earning opportunity where you can gain more profits by investing nothing at all.

The Udhaar app is the complete solution for earning a reliable side income. You can make an incredible commission of up to Rs. 12.25 on each bill while sitting in your electronic store just by paying your customer bills. The amount paid by the customer is transferred directly to your Udhaar wallet without any extra transaction procedure. You can download the Udhaar app to your IOS and Android devices or use the Udhaar book on your desktop for free. For paying your customer bill you have to:

    • Select the type of bill (electricity, gas, water, or internet)


    • Select the vendor (As for gas, there are SNGPL and SSGC)


    • Enter your account details.


  • You will be shown relevant billing details where you have to tap on the option “pay the bill” to make an online bill payment.

Customers from all walks of life visit your store. You can pay your customers’ bills and sell them their desired electronic gadgets. In addition, you can attract more customers as people coming to you for bill payments can turn out to be your shoppers. With the Udhaar easykhata bill payment feature, you can earn a double income: the regular income from your electronic store and the second by paying your customer bills. Making money without investment and hassle is now within reach using the Udhaar Book app.

Your customers don’t have to wait in long queues at the bank to clear their dues. With the amazing bill payment feature of the Udhaar app, you can make their lives easy as well. Using the Udhaar digikhata, you can pay your customers’ electricity, gas, internet, government fees, and water bills quickly. By paying these bills, you can earn up to Rs. 12.25 on each bill. The most exciting thing about this bill payment feature of the Udhaar easykhata is the app does not charge any extra transaction fee. It does not include any additional fee charges. Hence, no investment is required to earn more money.

The Udhaar app is completely free and risk-free. Your money is secure in your Udhaar wallet and can be taken out anytime. To get this secure earning opportunity, just download the Udhaar app to your Android or IOS devices. You can also use the Udhaar web app on the desktop of your electronic store. Download the app now and make your side income risk-free without investments.

Earn Risk-Free Income by Selling Easyload

Earn Risk-Free Income by Selling Easyload

Who doesn’t dream of earning risk-free extra income. But mostly people don’t do much about this dream as they believe it’s too good to be true. As a mart owner, your focus is on making more sales as that seems the easiest solution for earning more profit. However, Udhaar app offers an incredible opportunity to earn a side income by indulging your customers that come to buy groceries from you, in additional offerings such as selling easyload.

The Udhar khata book is Pakistan’s number one khata for businesses which is 100% free and secure. The app’s easy interface makes it extremely convenient to be used by anyone anywhere. The Udhaar app offers its users an opportunity to earn risk-free money by selling easyload. You can sell easyload in your mart to your pre-existing customers as well as you can attract new customers. By selling easyload, you can earn a 2% commission on every load. The Udhaar book makes it possible for you to earn a risk-free extra income with easyload while running your mart. You can download the Udhaar app to your phone from the Android or IOS. You can also use the Udhaar web app without any cost.

The Udhaar app is absolutely risk-free. With Udhaar easykhata, you can become an easyload agent in a few minutes. You just have to download the app and select the easload bechen option under the money tab. With this fantastic feature, you can quickly sell easyload for all four networks: Ufone, Zong, Jazz, and Telenor just by filling out the details of your customers. Moreover, the Udhaar app helps you earn a 2% commission on every load you sell. This way, you can easily make risk-free money without spending anything.

Earning commission without any risk is now possible using the easyload feature of the Udhaar book. The Udhaar easykhata has made it extremely easy to make extra money beyond any risk. Your money is safe in the Udhaar wallet, and you can draw the amount anytime from your Udhaar wallet. Besides this, you can attract more customers and increase your sales. People walking in your mart for easyload can end up buying things from you, or your customers purchasing from your mart can ask for easyload. The easyload feature of the Udhaar book has brought the best way to earn more money without spending a single penny. The Udhaar book can be downloaded from IOS and Android. You can also use the Udhaar book web app on your desktop. Download the Udhaar app and earn risk-free income by selling easyload in your mart.

Double your Income with Udhaar Book

Double your Income with Udhaar Book

Kiryana stores continue to dominate the market due to their location near residential areas and their price advantages. Being the owner of a kiryana store, this helps in escalating your sales. Along with your kiryana store income, you must have dreamt of earning extra money without any risk. The Udhaar app makes it possible for you with its Easyload, Bill Payment and Vouchers feature. With Udhaar digikhata, you can earn an incredible commission without spending a single penny.

The Udhaar app is the safest business app to earn risk-free income by selling easyload and mobile bundles, paying customer bills, or selling gaming and subscription vouchers. You can earn up to 2% commission on the amount of easyload you sell, up to Rs. 50 commission on every bill you pay and up to 5% commission on every voucher you sell. The commission depends on the network for easyload, bill type for bill payments, and voucher type for selling vouchers. The Udhaar app is available for Android and IOS devices. You can also use the Udhaar web app for free.

In order to earn an incredible commission while at your kiryana store, you need to add balance to your Udhaar wallet. The easiest method to transfer money in your Udhaar wallet is through IBFT (Inter Bank Fund Transfer). This money transfer is free of cost and does not charge any additional fee for adding money to your Udhaar wallet.

How to Transfer Money to Udhaar Wallet from your Bank?
You can add balance to your wallet by following these steps:

  • Select “Add Money” option from the money tab


  • Select the bank from which you are going to transfer money


  • Verify your bank account number or IBAN


  • Copy the account number of your Udhaar book


  • Log in to your bank app and tap on “Beneficiary Management”


  • Add your Udhaar account as a beneficiary


  • Transfer the desired amount from your bank account to the Udhaar wallet


By adding money to your Udhaar wallet, you can avail a number of features from the Udhaar book and earn incredible commission. The amount added to your Udhaar easykhata wallet can be used to pay customer bills, easyload, and vouchers. The amount you pay, for instance, for selling easyload to your customer, will be deducted from your wallet, and the customer will pay you the exact amount. This way, you can earn more by adding balance to your Udhaar wallet.

There are no charges for transferring money from your bank to your Udhaar wallet. Your money is safe in the Udhaar wallet, and you can take it out anytime. The Udhaar app is 100% safe and secure. You can use the Udhaar app on your IOS and Android devices or the Udhaar web app for free.

Collect Maintenance Fee with Udhaar Mahana Payments

Collect Maintenance Fee with Udhaar Mahana Payments

Collection of payment is one of the most hectic tasks, as most people keep on delaying payment no matter how many times you make a request. One expects that in-person requests would make payment collection easier as people dread confrontation. But with repeat payments, after some time people develop a thick skin and no matter how many times you make a request they always have some excuse. While on the other hand, you start to feel embarrassed and annoyed making the same request again and again. What makes things even more troublesome for you is that late collection results in delayed activities such as delayed building maintenance. Facing delays every month is pretty tedious and exhausting and you need a simple solution to collect maintenance charges.

The simplest and easiest solution to prevent this hassle is the Udhaar app. Udhaar digikhata is Pakistan’s number one business app which is entirely free and safe. The Udhaar app comes with a Mahana payment feature that helps you collect maintenance fees easily. You can request money from all the people living in your building or society to pay you the maintenance charges with a single click. You don’t need to knock on each house for money collection. The Udhaar app is available on Android and IOS. You can also use the Udhaar app on the desktop for free.

How to collect group payment

    • Download the Udhaar app to your phone.


    • Under the menu option, go to Mahana payments.


    • Create a group with any name. For instance: “Maintenance fee.”


    • Add all the people from whom you have to collect maintenance payments.


    • Add the specific amount they have to pay you one time, weekly, or monthly.


    • Add the duration of payments and the starting date of collection.


    • Request maintenance fees from the entire group with a single click.


  • Or you can separately request outstanding payments from selected people.

The Udhaar app enables you to generate the pdf report as well, and you can share the screenshot with your group members. With Udhaar easykhata, you don’t need to tap on every door for maintenance fees. Instead, you can request the charges with one click through the Udhaar app. All the operations of your building or society will be done on time, and there will be no delay in the submission of payments. You can download the Udhaar book app to your Android or IOS. You can use the Udhaar web app for your desktop for free. Download the app and collect maintenance fees with the Udhaar Mahana payments feature without any trouble.

Efficient Stock Management with Stock Book

Efficient Stock Management with Stock Book

Proper management from inventory to stock is one of the most fundamental tasks for every business owner. Managing bulk stock in storage can become pretty challenging which then impacts accurate management of all operations. Especially as a wholesaler, you have a considerable amount of stock at the storage. Maintaining all the stock records manually takes a lot of time, and the chances of error are higher. You need an advanced system to manage your stock effectively while selling goods as a wholesaler.

The huge amount of stock requires a proper management system. As a wholesaler, you should know about the stock you have and the stock you are lacking. It is also necessary to have complete knowledge of the quantity of the goods you have in the warehouse, along with their expiry dates, to effectively manage your business. Efficient stock management plays a vital role in customer satisfaction. The Udhaar app features proper and accurate stock management to help you keep up-to-date with your stock level. With Udhaar digikhata, you can manage your stock anywhere easily. The Udhaar app is available on IOS and Android.. You can download the app or use the Udhaar app on your desktop for free.

The Udhaar easykhata app allows you to manage hundreds of goods without a problem. This remarkable feature keeps you up-to-date with your stock levels and sends you low-stock alerts when a few units are remaining. Using the Udhaar digikhata, you can never run out of any stock. It automatically updates the stock level on each purchase as you mark an entry in the stock book. It enables you to edit the name, quantity, or cost of your stock in real time. With Udhaar digikhata, you can easily update stock levels every time to calculate itemized profit margins accurately. Satisfying your customers with proper and effective stock management can be an easy task. Your customers will always find their desired goods from you, increasing their satisfaction and trust in you.

The Udhaar book app has minimized stock wastage and theft by digitizing all stock management with its stock book feature. With efficient stock management with Udhaar’s stock book, you can check your stock level anywhere, at any time. It provides a complete view of the stock summary, including the value of stock and stored units. The Udhaar digikhata app has significantly reduced the time of manual stock calculations with its incredible stock book feature. So you can manage your stock in a far better way. The Udhaar app is available on IOS and Android.. You can download the app or use the Udhaar app on your desktop for free. Download and app and manage your stock efficiently with Udhaar’s stock book.

Escalate your Business by Selling Vouchers

Escalate your Business by Selling Vouchers

Being the owner of a kiryana store, you have to deal with a number of people each day. Every person walking into your shop is a potential customer. In addition to your regular kiryana store business, you have always wished to earn additional money to grow your business. Well, the perfect opportunity presents itself to you. To boost your kiryana store business, you can put one step ahead in making a risk-free side income. The Udhaar app makes it possible to grow your business by selling vouchers.

There is an extremely high chance that people entering your store love gaming, watching movies, and listening to songs. The Udhaar digikhata app helps them fulfill their entertainment desires as well as aids you in earning an incredible commission. With the Udhaar app, you can sell gaming and subscription vouchers to your customers and earn up to 4% commission. Your sales are also raised when a customer comes to purchase a subscription or gaming voucher from you and ends up buying other things from your store. This way, you can add more customers and earn extra income by selling subscription vouchers. You can download the Udhaar app to your IOS and Android devices or use the Udhaar book on your desktop for free.

As the modern generation is close to technology, they love watching popular Netflix shows, listening to their favourite playlists on Spotify, and playing games on PUBG. You can attract the modern generation by fulfilling their needs for subscriptions to these apps. The Udhaar easykhata app features selling vouchers to help you earn amazing commissions depending on the type of voucher. For instance, you can earn 1.75% commission on PUBG vouchers, 3% commission by selling FreeFire vouchers, and 1.75% on Spotify and Amazon Prime Videos vouchers. You can satisfy your intended audience throughout the day at your shop. The Udhaar book helps to boost your income and grow your kiryana store business by selling unlimited gaming and subscription vouchers.

Udhaar easykhata is an entirely free and secure app. Moreover, it offers a full money-back guarantee on selling vouchers. The customer can pay through Easypaisa,JazzCash, or IBFT. The amount paid by the customer will be added directly to your Udhaar wallet. This way, you can earn a side income without making any investments. You can download the Udhaar app from the Android and IOS or use the Udhaar book on your desktop for free. Generate profit, earn an incredible commission, and escalate your business with the best Udhaar app.

Keep Proper Credit Records with Udhaar Book

Keep Proper Credit Records with Udhaar Book

Being a distributor, things may turn out to be more challenging for you. Managing all the details of financial flow every day keeps you entangled. Keeping track of all transactions of purchasing goods from manufacturers and selling them to retailers is quite exhausting. If the whole task of keeping a record of every penny is jotted down manually, it will not only be pretty tedious but prone to errors. You would have to keep registers for entering every cash inflow and outflow, and it would keep you occupied for hours.

The chances of missing some entries are higher when you use manual techniques to keep credit records. As a distributor, you need a powerful and robust system to keep records of all cash transactions quickly and conveniently in simple ways. The quickest way to maintain your transaction records, from purchasing goods from manufacturers to selling them to retailers, is by using the Udhaar book. Udhaar digkhata is the ultimate solution to handle all your business and record all transactions. Using the Udhaar book, you can set yourself free from the worries of record keeping as the Udhaar book is the best way to recover Udhaar and manage all collections. You can download the Udhaar Book app to your IOS and Android devices for free. The Udhaar web app is also available for your desktop.

It is pretty normal to supply goods to retailers on credit rather than cash. Receiving the amount from creditors becomes a hectic task if you don’t keep a well-maintained record of transactions digitally. The Udhaar app features the Udhaar book, with which you can easily set collection dates and send automatic reminders to debtors. It allows you to add additional notes like the transaction’s terms and conditions and enter the contact details of the shopkeepers you supply the stock to. With the help of contact information, it enables you to send reminders for payment requests. With this outstanding feature, it is simple to recover Udhaar three times faster in a convenient way. Using Udhaar easykhata, you can send unlimited SMS to your debtors and request payment.

Udhaar is a free, easy khata app. It is entirely safe and secure. With its 100% data backup, you can never lose track of your udhar collections. The Udhaar Book app is the best khata app and is available on both IOS and Android, making it super convenient to use it any time. You can also use the Udhaar web app on your desktop for free.

Monitor your Employees with Staff Book

Monitor your Employees with Staff Book

Running a garment store makes you stranded between customer satisfaction and staff performance. Both of these factors play a critical role in the growth of your apparel business. It is important to monitor your staff’s performance on a daily basis to keep them performing their best every single day. It looks like an easy and simple task, but it is indeed one of the most challenging tasks for a business owner. Proper recording of your staff attendance, overtime payments, late fine deductions, adjusting their paid leaves, generating employees’ salary slips, and paying every staff member on time can be very challenging if done manually.

If you have dozens of employees working in your garment store, it won’t be easy to track their performance manually. Keeping all the track records of employee activities on paper is time-consuming and exhausting. Moreover, these manual calculations are prone to error. The Udhaar book app’s staff book feature is designed to monitor your staff performance digitally. You can download the Udhaar app to your Android and IOS devices. You can use the Udhaar book on your desktop as well.

Most of your employees work on daily wages, and calculating their hourly salary and monitoring their attendance records is not easy. You already have so much on your plate and don’t have time to maintain employee salaries. The Udhaar book staff book is the ultimate solution to help you run your clothing business more efficiently and smoothly. Udhaar digikhata helps you add and manage as many staff members as possible with the Staff Book. It allows you to manage attendance, overtime & salary in one place. Udhaar easykhata enables you to specify each staff member’s working days and hours for better payroll management. With the Udhaar digikhata app, you can easily record advance payments or pending dues and pay your staff accordingly. It aids your garment business by automatically registering every advance payment request in the Udhaar easy khata staff book to deduct the amount from the following month’s salary.

The Udhaar book staff book helps you manage your garment store effectively by paying the salary online to the employees’ bank account through IBFT payment or transfer to their JazzCash or Easypaisa account. You can quickly generate employees’ daily, weekly, and monthly attendance reports with the Staff book in Udhaar Digi khata. With a single click, you can easily share the salary slips of your staff members with them on WhatsApp. This way, you can reduce manual errors in tracking staff performance, save time, and keep your employees happy. The Udhaar book is 100% free and safe. You can download the Udhaar app to your Android and IOS devices or use the Udhaar book on your desktop. Make your employees happy and skyrocket your garment business using the Udhaar easykhata.

Skip the Hassle of Bill Payment for Customers

Skip the Hassle of Bill Payment for Customers

Banks are usually packed with crowds during peak hours, and paying utility bills in this situation is pretty hectic. People want a simple solution to pay their dues without waiting in long queues for their turn. It is high time for you to earn a side income by paying your customer bills through the Udhaar book. As an owner of a general store, people visit you to purchase several items, from staple foods to household essentials. With the Udhaar digikhata app, you can skip the hassle of bill payment for your customers by paying their bills in your general store.

The bill payment feature of the Udhaar book is the ultimate solution for customers to skip the hassle of queues. Moreover, it is a remarkable method for general store owners to maximize their income through the commission earned on paying bills. With the bill payment feature of the Udhaar book, you can pay your customers’ bills at your general store. It helps eliminate their worries of waiting in long lines in banks for payment of utility bills. They can pay their accounts at your store without any time issues or rush hour. You only need a phone to be a lifesaver for your customers. Just download the Udhaar Book App to your Android or IOS for free. You can use the Udhaar or use the Udhaar book web app for free on the desktop.

There are no hidden charges or extra transaction fees for paying your customers’ bills. You can earn an incredible commission without investing anything. The amount of money your customer pays will be submitted directly to your Udhaar book wallet. You can provide bill payment services to your customers at your store with Udhaar digikhata. This way, you can pay your customers’ electricity, gas, and water bills without making them wait in long queues. With Udhaar Book bill payment feature, you can pay bills for up to 140 different vendors from your phone and earn up to Rs. 25 commission depending on the type of bill paid.

The Udhaar digikhata app presents a 100% risk-free payment method. The safe and secure Udhaar app is a hassle-free way to pay bills for customers and earn a commission for merchants. Download the Udhaar book app to your Android or IOS for free. You can use the Udhaar to help your customers skip the line at the bank with the Udhaar digikhata app. You can use the Udhaar book web app on your desktop for free. Visit the website to learn more features.

Monitor Cash Flows with Cash Book

Monitor Cash Flows with Cash Book

As an owner of a medical store, monitoring inventory and sales of your store is one of the most crucial tasks. Managing all the details of cash flows is quite tiresome if you follow conventional methods of registers and pens. The inventory of your medical store is relatively large, and sales are even more. As a medical store owner, you must keep an eye on all cash-in and cash-out transactions to manage all your business operations. A single mistake in keeping a record of cash flows can affect the progress of your business. Therefore, a cash book is necessary to keep a record of all cash transactions in chronological order.

The Udhaar book app helps medical store owners in tracking income, expenses, and profits with its cash book feature. In spite of such a large inventory, the cash book feature keeps a record of all transactions and calculates net cash automatically. Recording your medical store’s cash transactions directly in the cash book saves time and minimizes the chances of error. It helps medical store owners get 100% error-free real-time calculations. The Udhaar book app is entirely free, and you can use the app on your IOS and Android devices. You can also use the Udhaar app on the web for free.

The Udhaar digikhata helps you track itemized entries. A complete description of your cash transaction in purchasing medical equipment from vendors and selling them to customers is at your fingertips. The Udhaar cash book keeps a record of all the buying history details, including the customer’s name and the medicine purchased. With this valuable information, you can manage your inventory easily by keeping track of all cash transactions. With the Udhaar Book cash book feature, you can quickly generate and download customized daily, weekly and monthly reports in seconds. With the details provided by Udhaar easykhata app, you can mark the customers’ entry, know about the payments, sold medicines, and the payment methods from which customers have paid you, etc. All these details help you to monitor all cash transactions of your medical store to run your business smoothly.

The Udhaar digikhata is 100% safe and secure. Udhaar book cash book is an accurate and simple cash manager which helps you manage hisab kitab with automated calculations. It removes traditional hand-written methods by keeping all track records with a single click. Moreover, you can easily monitor the performance of your medical store as the Udhaar app cash book generates pdf reports on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Udhaar Book can be downloaded from both the IOS and Android. You can also use the Udhaar Book web app right from your PC. Download the Udhaar app now and manage all cash transactions of your medical store.