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Quick, Easy, and Safe. Udhaar Zakat Calculator

Quick, Easy, and Safe. Udhaar Zakat Calculator

UDHAAR zakat calculator

Zakat is an essential pillar of Islam, and every Muslim must pay zakat on their assets. Zakat applies to all personal and business assets. Udhaar Digi Khata now features a zakat calculator through which a user can accurately calculate the amount of zakat on their assets and that too in a couple of minutes. With the zakat calculator in Udhaar khata book, a user can easily calculate the zakat applicable to the assets and inventory of any business.



When calculating zakat for a business entity, it is essential to consider all sorts of inventory acquired with an intention to resale. A business can have multiple products, in multiple quantities and different prices. Udhaar Digi khata app allows you to add those products individually with their respective quantity and price to get the total value of the said product. This way, a user can easily upload all the products and can have a look at the inventory and its total cost. Udhaar zakat calculator then uses these inventory items to calculate zakat on each product and accumulate the total amount for zakat, applicable to all the inventory items. In addition to calculating zakat on inventory, Udhar zakat calculator also allows a user to enter the total amount of personal and business assets other than inventory. A user can sum up the total value of assets such as property, gold, silver, personal savings, etc., and add that to the zakat calculator. Udhaar zakat calculator will sum up all the information added to the app and calculate the exact amount of zakat that needs to be paid.

Udhaar Book app can help you calculate zakat quickly, accurately, and safely, ensuring the rules and regulations for zakat in Islam. Moreover, there are various other features in Udhaar Book that can help a business do wonders when managing finances and customers’ khata. Through the cash book feature, a business can record inflows and outflows. Through the digital invoicing feature, a business can generate, send and track professional-looking invoices in minutes. Udhaar Book also has easy load and one load functionality through which business users can earn some extra cash daily. Udhaar Book can be downloaded from Play Store and App Store and used through the web app.

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