Manage staff & payroll

Pay timely salaries with #1 payroll software for small businesses

Mark staff attendance
Mark all your employees' attendance or paid leaves. Generate attendance reports & easily manage staff attendance.

Manage overtime
With Udhaar Book, add overtime, deduct late fines, and mark paid leaves. Manage all your staff from the attendance list.

Pay salaries online
Pay employees salaries online with the Udhaar easy khata app. Easily transfer salary from your Udhaar wallet to staff account.
Payroll management simplified
Better manage your staff by paying accurate salary on time with Udhaar digi khata’s staff book - a free payroll manager that can handle everything.
Calculate accurate salary
Calculate salaries in seconds for all your staff and avoid delays. Satisfy your staff with timely payments and keep them happy. Set up an employee profile in one tap. Mark daily attendance, record lates & overtime and calculate salary accordingly with Udhaar creditbook app.

Manage dues & advance payments
Record advance payments or pending dues and pay your employees accordingly. Note every advance payment request in the Udhaar easy khata staff book, to automatically deduct amount from the following month’s salary. Easily carry forward pending dues onto the next month's salary and pay your staff accordingly.
Share salary slips with staff
Generate salary slips for all your employees with Udhaar easy khata app. Download and share salary slips with employees on WhatsApp or print salary slips with Udhaar Book web app. Keep transparent record of all your employees salary with Udhaar digikhata Staff Book feature.

Business management tools fit for your business

Manage udhaar transactions
Quickly manage and record credit transactions on your phone with Udhaar credit book. Send auto reminders to easily recover udhaar 3x faster.

Manage sales & expenses
Whatever your business, manage hysab kytab on your phone with cashbook. Easily record daily cash flows—no notebook or calculator required.

Earn money with vouchers
Sell PUBG, FreeFire, Netflix & many other demanded vouchers at your shop. Earn upto 4% commission on every voucher you sell and grow your business.