Earn money on easyload & packages

Sell easyload & packages, earn commission & make money

Earn commission
Earn up to 2.2% commission on every easyload with Udhaar digi khata. The commission amount is based on the network.

Incur zero expenses
Earn money with Udhaar Book without any investment. Just add easyload amount to your Udhaar wallet & start making money.

Money back guarantee
Earn 100% risk-free income with Udhaar digi khata. With full money back guarantee, making money is 100% safe & secure.
Sell recharge with the safest app
Sell easyload or load packages through your phone with Udhaar digi khata oneload app. Easily boost your income without making any investment.
Load 4 networks with 1 phone
Sell Jazz, Ufone, Telenor & Zong load with 1 phone through the Udhaar Book app. Earn commission on every easyload, recharge or mobile package. Offer 24/7 easyload services to prepaid & postpaid customers from your phone with Udhar easy khata app & load balance to recharge customer networks.

Sell bundles & earn extra
Earn up to 2.2% commission on every easyload you sell with Udhaar digikhata book. The more easyload you sell with udhaar khatabook, more money you will make. So sell prepaid and postpaid easyload on all neworks and earn limitless money. Make your life stress free with extra income.
Make money with 1 click
Sell easyload with Udhaar Book in seconds to earn commission. Add load amount to Udhaar wallet through IBFT, Easypaisa or JazzCash select Jazz, Ufone, Telenor or Zong network and instantly recharge customer balance.

Discover more ways to scale your business

Earn money with vouchers
Sell PUBG, FreeFire, Netflix & many other demanded vouchers at your shop. Earn upto 4% commission on every voucher you sell and grow your business.

Make money on bill payments
Udhaar digi khata makes it easy for you to reap higher profits by paying customer bills. Earn up to Rs. 12 everytime you pay any of your customers' bills.

Accept instant payments
With payment links, request payments from any customer to recover udhaar and receive money from any bank or wallet to save time and get paid faster.