How Can Small Business Owners Navigate Covid-19?

How Can Small Business Owners Navigate Covid-19

1. Ensure communication with your customers and clients: Regardless of your industry, now is a critical time to keep communication our top priority. This is not only critical for existing consumers, but also for new customers. This does not have to be a sales pitch; simply checking in to see how they are doing and what they require at this time, can be extremely beneficial and this will help build your relationship with them, as you can see that It’s all about listening and providing immediate value and service.

2. Prioritize customers over competitors.
Many people are more concerned with their competitors than with how they can add value to their own clients. Customer service distinguishes small businesses from large corporations. We have the flexibility to quickly adjust and change what we’re delivering in order to better fulfill the needs of our clients. Now is truly the moment to go deeper into your business, examining what has worked successfully in the past and what you can do more of to provide greater value to clients. This could be accomplished through incentive programs, discounts, future booking flexibility, and much more. You have to consider what you can do right now to keep your clients so that when things pick up again, you’ll be the first person that comes to mind.

3. Explore different roads.
There are many amazing examples of organizations effectively exploring whole new fields by embracing the current situation. However, you must be cautious in your approach and remain true to your company’s values. Know your niche, consider what your clients truly require, assess where you are now, and then determine where the logical pivot is. Customers are eager to support small businesses right now, so explain your story and recall why you established the company in the first place – what problem can you answer for your customers in this environment? Consider what you excel at and double it. Because It’s time to keep moving forward!

How to manage your customers khata or udhaar effectively

How to manage your customers khata or udhaar effectively

Cash flow issues are the primary cause of many small businesses going out of business each year. No matter how prosperous a company appears to be on paper, if customers do not pay their khata, cash flow will quickly dry up, and the company will be unable to meet its operating costs. One approach to avoid this disaster is to implement a strong credit control system from the start.

Putting a credit control system in place

Allow no more than a month for late payments. Keep a tight eye on your sales ledger and be aware of any outstanding accounts.

To get paid, phone the customer and ask when they expect to pay – and don’t be fooled by excuses like “the money is on the way.” Maintain a pleasant demeanor at all times, but be prepared to pursue the situation if the payment is not coming through on time. Also, keep a record of all communications in case you are compelled to pursue the matter further.

When you’re caught up in the day-to-day operations of a small business, it’s easy to forget about credit control. After all, you have a million things to do, so chasing customers for non-payment invoices may not be at the top of your priority list. But it should be—it only takes one or two significant outstanding invoices to wreak havoc on cash flow, so credit control should always be a top focus.

Also, If you’d like to learn how you can automate this entire process and be able to access all of this through your smartphone or tablet – connect with our team today.

Top 3 Money Management Tips for Small Businesses from Finance Experts

Top 3 Money Management Tips for Small Businesses from Finance Experts

Plan your finances, ahead of time
Planning every action and necessity is one of the most crucial personal money management lessons one can master. You must always plan ahead, not only for yourself but also for your business, to ensure that you have enough cash on hand to pay for unexpected expenses such as tax obligations. There will always be numerous company problems that will need to be addressed quickly, but when it comes to your finances, you must plan for the future. Preparing 5 to 10 years ahead is critical to avoid falling behind your competition.

Invest in the future.
To bring profits to your business, it is critical to set money aside and invest in growth prospects. Since you should always have an eye on the future as a business owner, this will help your company grow in a healthy financial path. A main financial management tip is to invest religiously in the future. This is necessary for the growth of your organization and to attract the best staff in the market. Investing in numerous elements of your business will undoubtedly improve the quality of your service and your employees’ productivity.

Plan a solid billing procedure.
Controlling the money flow and ensuring the business grows consistently and efficiently are all part of running a small business and managing finances. If you’re having trouble getting your customers to pay you back, try coming up with new ways to bill them. Most business owners have at least one customer who is perpetually late with their bills and payments, having our Udhaar khata app has helped various business owners stay up to date on due payment terms, Instead of having to bug them with repeated invoices and phone calls.

What is the Purpose of Money Management?

What is the Purpose of Money Management

When it comes to small business money management, education and organization are the most critical factors to maintain your company’s financial health. It entails by informing you and your team about the various aspects of their finances and having a system in place to manage them. It is well known that small and medium enterprises will save a little money each month, according to financial experts.

Furthermore, the successful execution of strategies in the supply chain and customer service is the primary reason for your company’s growth. If you have no prior expertise in managing business finances, this can be a difficult undertaking, and you may wind up losing your money as a result of poor financial practices that may also harm your business.

So If you want to build a profitable business, you must break free from this cycle and begin planning and saving on a regular and disciplined basis. Only then will you be able to evolve into investing in your future as a business owner.

It is critical to have a fundamental understanding of basic skills and practices in order to run a business, no matter how little or vast. Regular accounting, tallying, loan applications, and producing financial statements are some of the activities that every business owner should be aware of in order to build a stable financial future and avoid a business breakdown. As we top it off, being organized is also essential for effective money management.

Evaluate your whole financial position with the Udhaar App

Evaluate your whole financial position with the Udhaar App

The Udhaar app can help you figure out how much you are worth and improve your cash flow stability. It allows you to categorize transactions, transfer them between numerous accounts, and schedule them to repeat on pre-determined periods. It also helps you to analyze all of your finances with the help of several reports and graphs that can visually show you where you should cut your costs.

Remember that while using a khata book app everything is made easy to use, with that said, the success of the app is dependent on the user’s habit of registering at the correct time and for the correct amount. As a result, you must be consistent and well-organized.

As a result, controlling, managing, and analyzing your finances will be quick, accurate, and easy, all with the click of a button on your smartphone.

With the Udhaar khata app, you can manage your accounts quickly and securely from anywhere, using your smartphone or tablet.

Udhaar App – Digital Khata, Udhaar Khata Book – Frequently Asked Questions

Udhaar App – Digital Khata, Udhaar Khata Book – Frequently Asked Questions

What is Udhaar?

A money management application that keeps track of all of your transactions, including withdrawals and deposits.

Who can use the Udhaar app?

Anyone who manages money or does not complete transactions instantly can utilize the Udhaar app. Retail, wholesale, manufacturing, bakery/dairy, pharmacy, and hardware stores all make great use of our khata book. The list goes on, implying that there are no limits to who can make use of it.

How Secure is the Udhaar app?

Because all data is stored in the cloud, there is complete security. Employees are unable to read or copy the same data.

How is Udhaar beneficial for businesses?

The Udhaar app is user-friendly and simple to use, with numerous functions such as reporting and a quick response time. A new transaction can be created in a matter of seconds.

Where can I get Udhaar App from?

Download the App from Google Playstore Click Here

Download the App from Apple App Store Click Here

Download the direct APK file Click Here

What Small Businesses Can Use A Digital Udhaar App?

What Small Businesses Can Use A Digital Udhaar App

Following the numerous advantages that a digital Udhaar app may provide, every small company owner will be eager to download and use the app in order to obtain the full benefits of their business. Also, If you’re still not sure if this app is perfect for you, here’s a list of businesses who can benefit from it:

-Electronic shops including mobile recharging shops.
-Grocery and general stores
-Bakery, juice sellers, medical shops, vegetable shops, tea shops, etc
-Stores that sell Jewelry or garment stores

Don’t worry if your store or shop isn’t featured; any business looking to store a safe, secure, and smooth transaction record with clients can benefit from the Udhaar app’s features.

The application not only benefits small business owners, but also homemakers who may use it to keep track of their water can supplier, maid, and other service providers. Making it easy to keep track of daily transactions using your smartphone rather than just your memory.

3 Reasons Why Every Small Business Should Use Digital Khata

3 Reasons Why Every Small Business Should Use Digital Khata

Digital Khata: 3 Reason why every small business is using this

Our Udhaar app or khata book is a free digital ledger that you can take with you wherever you go. The application helps you calculate all your invoices and customer transactions. The best thing about it is that one application can manage multiple business transactions in your store, which means you can use the same digital khata account on different phones through the udhaar app.

Simplified System
The application does all the hard work for you, so you won’t need to get your head around accounting anymore, let the Udhaar app do the job for you.

Reliable and Scalable
You can even set payment reminders on an individual basis for each customer, so you don’t have to run through your head or flip through your pages to find past transactions. The Udhaar app has been developed to ensure stability and it’s our goal to release timely updates as we develop new app features. You won’t need to worry about losing any data or scaling up – with the Udhaar app, everything stays saved in real-time on the cloud!

What is a Khata or Udhaar (accounting) Book?

What is a Khata or Udhaar (accounting) Book

A Udhaar or Khata book is a booklet that shop owners have been using to manage customers’ unpaid accounts. The term Udhaar means to rent. The Khata book also happens to store information about each customer and their respective loan amounts. The loan amounts are actually not physical cash, but actual food items, vegetables, and household items, an example would be a dozen eggs or a carton of milk. This Udhaar book is primarily used by all merchants and it allows them to offer you the goods in advance as they take note of each transaction for you to pay at a later agreed date or time.

What is Digital Udhaar or Khata?

Digitization has become the buzzword – with the advent of computers and the Internet, the term has become so common within the digital world. As smartphones and data are the roots of digital, it has allowed the upbringing of a digital khata.

As we all know digitization aims to make life easier by eliminating manual work and introducing automation – when we take a step back you can easily spot out why the need for a digital ledger app like udhaar is what you need, to help digitize your business.

With that said, our Udhaar app will easily allow you to handle your business information and transactions, as it all gets stored online rather than in a physical booklet.

The importance of a credit management system?

The importance of a credit management system

Even your most loyal customers can fall behind on their payments.

You can maximize your business’s potential profit, limit risk, and preserve cash flow by controlling your Udhaar and payment procedures as you track your sales.

Sales with solid credit management aren’t actual sales until they’ve been paid. You can sign the monthly contract in the sales column, but it will only be a paper commitment until you receive the money. Credit and collection management are critical to a company’s success.

Customers can be lost and your reputation can be ruined due to misunderstandings. Effective lending or khata and repayment necessitates automated management decisions and the ability to administer credit policies consistently.